Saturday, July 28, 2012

十_Shiva-Shin_シヴァ神_四波神_四刃神 and Crowley and NIetzsche_十

In Japan, as Shinto Spirit , but a spirit of Ise-Hakusan Dou and his blog, Shiva is indeed relating with Japanese Susanou kami.

We wrote them in Japanese kanji at a posting title :
四波神_Four (Ocean ) waves god, 
四刃神_Four blades ( Hands and Arms ) god.
They are not wrong expression for a image of Shiva as you see the photo as below. 

Shiva can has four blades and can dance like a Ocean waves and Water streams come from four directions, then can be so lightly flowing in Air such as winds come from four directions too. Means, we feel little wild freedom for how we live but in the rule of four dignities. What are they?....Now I know only one for the North. The Hokuto-Shichisei in Japanese, the Big Dipper in English and the plough in British.
So we see the Cross also in four points in Shiva`s hand moving. We can imagine Jesus at same time in it, standing in it, not dead body on a cross. Because Spirit of Jesus is still living and standing, moving so active and working with us, in us. So Shiva dose. 
They are not dead. They are free. They live with us.

These are our imagination for Shiva god and Jesus.
We respect and thank for Shiva`s power, abilities,mind like a child who is holding own self, not be distracted by any other masters. The god child believes self conscience so,freely moves as follow own mind and heart. Then he or she or both in a one life freely play with what they got in a reality of life and be into anywhere at the world by the imagination. The imagination is god of the invention.

Susanou and Shiva. Both`s spirits are at everywhere in this world on Earth and working with Mother Sun god/Kami and Father Earth ( Mountain ) god/Kami.

An article by G-man in Japan who is young Japanese man and a one of readers of Ise-Hakun dou. 

As below as the short article which is recommending Shiva was copied from a longer comment of G-man by me._This is just a part of  it, there was at a section for commentators in a blog of Ise-Hakusan Dou. 

_Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 
Crowley and Shiva_
_An article By G-man in Japan and English translation by MantaraCrossMantare in U.S._


Nietzsche had his point of view and pointing out them such as compared [Aphorisms ] and [  Dionysus ] *_Dionysus was exceedingly common, and many ancient people, famous and otherwise, bore it. It remains a common name today in the formDennis (DenysDenisDenise). The modern Greek form of the name is Dionysios or Dionysis. The Spanish form of the name is Dionisio. The Italian form of the name is Dionigi.

In his mind of comparison , [Anything but Aphorisms ] are the modern mind, a rationality , a Christianity and  [Anything but Dionysus ] are the tendency, inclination and a trend of a intoxication, fascination, enthusiasm, the sensation of meaning of life, a will to be, a will to the power, the havoc, the destruction and creation, the origination, then there is non restraint and constraint of the canon as there is a norm for the standard or the mankind, were pointed out by him.


They are God of Greek fable as Apollo is as God of Lamp, Torch, Hope and Dionysus is as God of Product, Wine and Intoxication  respectively. 


What Apollo is, that is [ seeing dream in the tentative image and try to conquer the agony and distress of the own existence or survival .]  

What Dionysus is, that is [ doing dismiss from one`s own self in the world of intoxication and try to be unify with  the one as an eternal root of existing Spirit. ( Breath of a life)


Nietzsche was seems [ like Dionysus ]. There is the book what a title is {Shiva and Dionysus},also there is similarity between Shiva and Dionysus.


Crowley described himself  [ A beast 666 ] , he had identified this [ A beast 666 ] and Shiva.For also this point , Nietzeche and Crowley had a common understanding.


_________________As below by Wikipedia________________

         Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

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